Family of Faith Service Providers 

The community support service component provides services and supports in an individual’s
home and at other community locations that are necessary to achieve outcomes identified in an
individual’s PDP

Family of faith impact learning center: Teaching that is functional, meaningful, and purposeful!
individuals will engage in a learning curriculum that includes basic computer skills, transferrable
skills, therapeutic skills, employment designing, skills for daily living, healthy living, and positive
enrichment. the learning center has a wonderful lounge and recreational area with activities that
include air hockey, foose ball, and movie arena.

fun Friday extravaganzas, calendar of events, clean atmosphere, and a loving environment



First Choice: 


Respite can be provided for a few hours or a few days for individuals who live at home.

Employment Assistance

The supported employment service component provides ongoing individualized supports needed by an individual to sustain paid work in an integrated work setting.

Community First Choice
                                                        day habilitation

Supported Employment:

Supported Employment

The employment assistance service component assists an individual in locating paid employment in the community.

Employment Assistance:


Community Based Services